So you want to be an Architect?

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

I stumbled upon on a Facebook group while I'm browsing on my news feed. And there's a lot of inquiries coming from incoming college students and some students who are aspirants to be an Architect. Most of them asked if they can still be an architect if they find difficulty in math subjects or some are not good in drawing. 

I really don't get it why they find dilemma to take or not take Architecture in college. Maybe a lot of people still have misconceptions about what an architecture graduate and registered and licensed architects really do after college.

So I make some meme's about Architects.

What my friends think I do

Most of my high school friends and people I know every time they asked me what is my course in college they said "Wow, Architect"

What my parents think I do

After graduating in college and finally start to work on a company your parents would definitely think that "Architects" earn a lot of money. 

What my boss think I do

If you apply as an apprentice, your boss as the owner of architectural firm and you as draftsman/cad operator to translate or edit his design and concept

What the contractors think I do

If you work in a construction industry, designing a structure is different in translating or building it.

What society thinks I do.

Like what I said a while ago, this is the reaction of your friends, relatives and other people you know when they find out that you're an architect.

What I think I do

When you're in college I bet you have creative juices in your brain and easily create design concept.

What I really do

Yes, 5 years. 10 Architectural Design subject. Thesis. And other stuff. This is what you got.

If you ask me if I discourage you, you're wrong. I just tell you that there is no easy college course to take that will land you or teach you to become a millionaire.

But if you wanted to take Architecture as your course in college just because it looks good in your resume or status please just take another course. 

If you are still struggling whether to take architecture just because you are poor in math subject or lack of drawing skills is not really a problem as long you have passion.

Rejection of design, struggles with contractors, under paid or unpaid design, lack of sleep and money, 5 years in college, 10 Architecture design, thesis, rejection after rejection. For me it was all worth it.

Here's some quotes for inspiration:

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
- David Frost

If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.
- Marc Anthony

You might not make it to the top, but if you are doing what you love, there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous.
- Tony Hawk

So if you still want to be an architect, I will blog all my experience from being an architecture student to apprenticeship and to what I am now.

Just drop all the question you want to ask and I will try to answer it thru blog post.

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