Are you passionate enough?

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Is your passion enough to pursue it as your profession?

Few days ago I dare some incoming students and asked why do they want to be an architect?
  • Some students answered "gusto ko lang"
  • Some students wants to help their family and being an architect is their ticket.
  • Some students just wanted to design and build their dream house.
  • Some students wants the title.

First of all, I want to congratulate those students who got passed on PUPCET and nailed the interview and aptitude test. 

I respect their answer. Pretty impressive and idealistic. As the famous quotes from Confucious said do what you love so it doesn't feel like working at all. You've imagined yourself to be in your dream job as an architect and getting paid a lot.

But the real world and being an architecture student doesn't work that way. 

I dream to be an architect since I was 5 years old.

I also dream to be an architect since I was 5 years old. So I consider myself lucky when I am able to get passed and be an "iskolar ng bayan". I was so idealistic back then. I know how to draw and render and also joined some postermaking contest.

But entering the university is like losing your virginity. Culture shock. Welcome to zombieland.

I still remember the first day of my college life. We were about 65 students. The professor enter the classroom and said "I will no longer check your attendance I am not your baby sitter and this is not a day care center".

Knowing how to draw is not enough to survive. Being good in math is not enough. Being a valedictorian in high school is not enough.


Getting passed on the aptitude test means all of your classmates knows how to draw and maybe much better than you. Having a medal in highschool is not enough. You are in one of the university here in the Philippines. So maybe some of your classmates were valedictorian too. And have you heard the late bloomer thing? Some student did not excel during high school but they blooms in college.


Being an architecture students is not easy. Don't expect a vacation.

You will spend your 5 years in college. Starting to love caffeine. Experience sleepless nights.

You will draw your major plate as if you are the next national artist. But when you submit your drawing you will see the drawing plate is much better.

You will receive the Very Very Poor in Lettering on your architectural graphics subject. You will spend Christmas Vacation with a drawing plate. You will submit a number of research proposal for your thesis and be rejected.

And even you review your notes you receive 3.0 on your class card. Dreaming to have a latin honor such as summa, magna and cum laude vanished into thin air.

You will experience failure. And worst become an irregular students. You will cry inside the cubicle. Your parents will be dissappointed knowing that you will not graduate on time.

Then you will check your social
media account and see your high school classmates already finished their 4 year course and starts working.

You will think about quitting. You will forget about your dream. You will lose that passion.

But please don't.

Og Mandino said, "Failure will never overcome me if my determination to succeed was strong enough"

I experience failure. I receive 3.0 on my class card. I learn to lower my standard well 3.0 is much better than to repeat the subject right?

The point is, your grade doesn't define you and your dream to become an architect. Inside the classroom, your teacher taught the lesson first before the exam. But in real life you will take first the exam before you learned the lesson.

Just hold on to your dream. Enjoy the journey until you reach the destination.

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